Median MediTech GmbH is a modern Research & Biotech company based near Stuttgart, Germany. Median researches, develops, manufactures and supplies natural bioactive nutritional and health ingredients and finished products. (Functional food/nutraceuticals).
Our mission is contributing to a healthy and vigorous human and animal life through research and development of environment-friendly, natural bioactive products.

These ingredients are sold worldwide to manufacturers and suppliers of dietary supplements, nutraceutical food and animal feed. Founded in 1992 (as MediTech Germany) , Median MediTech is known for its high quality products, intensive research program, and powerful co-branding marketing strategy. Median´s products are protected with patents or trademarks and are supported by extensive scientific research, assuring efficacy, safety and standardization.
Median Germany makes healthy products healthier. Derived from nature, backed by science and made for the better health of humans and animals, our unique and proprietary nutritional ingredients are used in dietary supplements, functional foods and feed products sold throughout the world.